Interspecies/multispecies relations
Everything that happens around us is mediated not only by humans and their institutions, but also by viruses, ecosystems, and things: “earth beings,” such as mountains (de la Cadena), and technological artifacts. We need to relearn new ways of thinking from the peoples who have retained and rebuilt their relationships with the nonhuman realm. These relationships come with diverse forms of mutual “understanding” and constitute the dynamics of each place. Multispecies vision involves a polyphonic attention to the various movements and interactions of forms of life and matter over time. Multispecies ethnographies show that these interactions are much more complex than the vision of “man against nature,” and that nature often mediates social and political developments in ways habitually not accounted for.
Articles about the Project
A) Plants
"Step out to Shadowtime, Hurry Like a Plant: Corporal Time and Corporate Time for the Anthropocene Generation" with Sainath Suryanarayanan. Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production in the Luso-Hispanic World, 2,6, (2016): 21- 42.
B) Amaranth and Soy
"Amaranth's Living Thought; Interspecies History of Tehuacán Valley and Vegetal Re-existence." Environmental Cultural Studies; Latin American and Iberian Studies. Hispanic Issues on Line. 2019.
"The War Between Amaranth and Soy: Interspecies Resistance to Transgenic Soy Agriculture in Argentina" Kata Beilin and Sainath Suryanarayanan. Environmental Humanities 9,2.
C) Weeds
“Memories from Underground; Interspecies Memory in the Times of Climate Change”. 452 F: Revista de la teoría de la literatura y de la literatura comparada. Invited. Special Issue on Ecocriticism. Universidad de Barcelona. Vol 21, 2019.
D) Maize and Bees
"Milpa Melipona Maya; Mayan Interspecies Alliances Facing Agribiotechnology in Yucatan” with Sainath Suryanarayanan. ACME, International Journal of Critical Geographies. Vol 19, No 2, 2020.
E) Bulls
In Search of Alternative Biopolitics in Contemporary Spain; Anti-Bullfighting, Animality and the Environment. The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Print.
Ripe Amaranth. Grupo Cooperative Quali.