All That Matters: Alternative Economies in the Iberian Peninsula
Spain was one of the European countries where the 2008 crisis was felt most dramatically, with unemployment sitting stubbornly in 2015 at 49% among those under 25. In the aftermath of the crisis, 200 alternative economic networks emerged, and 80 "social currencies" were created to foster the local exchange of goods and services. Forty of those communities joined the Transition movement, initiated in Britain as a response to global warming and peak oil. All these initiatives brought about a set of cultural changes. This book analyzes the complex synergies of cultural transformation in Spanish communities that are constructing their alternative economies. It focuses on the relations that these communities establish with their environments, on the way they relate to time, material objects, and technologies, and on the design and use of space. Finally, it dwells on the interpersonal relations in these spaces.
Articles about the Project
“Municipios en Transición, economías alternativas y prácticas ecocinemáticas; Carrícola, Pueblo en Transición” with Jorge Mari. Forthcoming in Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies.
“Transición interior’ con el Smart Phone; Cultura y sociedad en las economías alternativas” (Personal Transition with a Smart Phone: Culture and Society in the Alternative Economies) with Miriam Urbano. ALCESXXI, 3, 2019.
“Ecology of a Change: Alternative Economies for Anthropocene in the Multispecies Context.” Ecozon@ 7, 2, (2016): 149-64.
"Step out to Shadowtime, Hurry Like a Plant: Corporal Time and Corporate Time for the Anthropocene Generation" with Sainath Suryanarayanan. Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production in the Luso-Hispanic World, 2,6, (2016): 21- 42.
"Alternative Economies for the Anthropocene: Change, Happiness and Future Scenarios", Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016): Urban Ecologies, Ecozon@.

Sculpture by Oscar Estruga Vilanova, Barcelona, Spain.